Difference between Turner's Syndrome and Down's Syndrome

Subject: Zoology

Difficulty Level: Easy
Down's Syndrome
Turner's Syndrome
Sex Determination

Updated by: Arabinda Naik


Distinguish between Turner's Syndrome and Down's Syndrome 

Down's Syndrome Turner's Syndrome
In this, there is the presence of an additional copy of chromosome number 21. In this, there is the absence of one chromosome, i.e., 45 with X0.
This involves autosomes. This involves sex chromosomes.
The affected individual has short stature, partially opened mouth, tongue protrudes mental retardation, defective development of CNS and broad palm. The affected individual has short stature, webbed neck and underdeveloped breast, rudimentary gonads, lack of menstrual cycle during puberty ,lack of secondary sexual characters.
The affected individual is fertile. The female are sterile.

Questions you should look

What are Causes and symptoms of Turner's Syndrome
Write short notes on Menstrual cycle
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