Male Reproductive System Long Question

Subject: Zoology

Difficulty Level: Hard
Male reproductive system

Updated by: Arabinda Naik


Give an account of the human male reproductive system.

The male reproductive system of man consists of the 

following parts.

1. Scrotum

2. Testis

3. Epididymis

4. Vas deferens

5. Ejaculatory duct

6. Urethra

7. Penis

8. Accessory glands


It is a pouch of deeply pigmented skin, having two 

sacs containing one testis each. The normal temperature of the testis 

in the scrotum is about 2 degree lower than the internal body 

temperature the ideal temperature for developing sperm. The cavity 

of the scrotum is connected with the abdominal cavity by inguinal 



In man there are a pair of testis located in the pouch like 

scrotum attached to the wall of scrotal sac by a small fold called 

gubernaculum. Each testis is solid and oval in shape, measuring 

about 4 cm in length and 10 gm weight. Each testis communicates 

with the abdominal cavity by a narrow passage called inguinal canal. 

It is held in position within the scrotal sac by means of a compact 

cord called inguinal cord or spermatic cord.

Histology of testis: Seminiferous tubules

A fibrous connective tissue layer called tunica albuginea covers the 

testis. As many as 200 or more septa divide the testis internally into 

compartments called lobules. In each lobules 1-3 much coiled 

seminiferous tubules are present. These tubules are responsible for 

formation of sperm. Internal epithelium of these tubules are formed 

of germinal epithelial cells which undergo division to produce 

spermatozoa. At place some large conical Sertoli are seen. They 

provide nourishment to the developing sperm. Amongst the 

seminiferous tubules cells of Leydig, blood vessel, nerves are 

present in a loose connective tissue. Leydig cells secrete male sex 

hormone called testosterone that controls the development in males. 

The seminiferous tubules from the testis converge to form a rete 

testis from which arise 15-20 thin ducts the vasa efferentia. All the 

vasa efferentia unite to a single duct called epididymis.


Behind each testis is epididymis. It is a long coiled 

tube of about 6 metres in length and partially encircled the testis. It 

has three parts.

Caput epididymis: It is the top part connected with 

the seminiferous tubules.

Corpus epididymis: It is the middle part 

connected with the seminiferous tubule.

Cauda epididymis: It is 

the bottom part connected with vasa deferens.

Epididymis serves as a duct for the passage of sperms from 

testis to vas deferens. It stores sperms.


it is muscular tube which leaves the base of 

epididymis on each side of the scrotal sac through a passage called 

inguinal canal to enter into the abdominal cavity. The sperms are 

carries by vasa differentia to be discharged at the time of ejaculation.


It is a short duct formed by the union of 

vas deferens and the duct of the seminal vesicle. The ejaculatory duct 

of both the sides open into the urethra.


The urethra originates from the urinary bladder and 

travels through the penis and opens to the outside at its tip. It serve 

as a common passage for the flow of urine and semen.


It is cylindrical, muscular erectile organ for transfer of 

semen from male organs into the vagina for the female. It has three 

elongated tissues lying side by side and bound by connective tissue 

and covered by loose skin. The tissues are two upper corpora 

cavernosa and one ventral corpus spongiosum. At center urethra is 

present. The enlarged tips with genital orifice is called glans penis. 

It is covered by a fold of skin called prepuce.


Semen is a collection of secretion from the seminal 

vesicles, prostate glands and cowper’s gland and sperms from 

testis. It has an alkaline which protects the sperm from the acidity of 

the vagina. When the penis is erect, semen is ejected from the penis 

during ejaculation.



These are two muscular pouch like 

structure lying between the urinary bladder. They secrete a thick 

fluid. It contains nutrients like fructose, vitamins, mucus and large

amount of prostaglandins for the nutrition and protection of sperm.


Behind the urinary bladder another 

hard muscular structure is present. It is prostate gland. It is encircles 

the ejaculatory duct and urethra. A thin, milky with alkaline 

secretion from prostate neutralizes acidity in the seminal fluid.


Below the prostate are two pea sized glands which open into urethra at the base of the 

penis. Its alkaline secretion neutralizes acidity, protects the sperms 

and lubricates vaginal wall of the female for easy penetration of the 


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