Updated by: Arabinda Naik
Cryptorchidism: it is a condition in which tests are unable to descend in scrotal sacs, so sperms are not produced called azoospermia. Alcoholism: causes defective spermatogenesis. Thyroid dysfunction. Impotency: the male is unable to erect and penetrate the penis into the vagina of the female. Gonadotropin deficiency: Deficiency of LH and FSH may be the cause of male infertility. Drugs: use of anti-hypertensive and anti-psychotropic drugs for a long time. Immotile cilia: sperms are unable to move from the vagina to the upper person of the genital tract of the female due to the absence of a tail. Y chromosome deletions. Acquired infection: mumps, infection of seminal vesicles and prostate glands cause oligospermia (low sperm count). Anti sperm antibodies: a most common variety of anti-sperm antibodies are found in semen. High scrotal temperature: scrotal temperature is raised due to dilated vein in the testis called varicocele causing oligospermia. ADAM: androgen deficiency in aging males call male menopause. Low fructose: Low fructose content and high prostaglandin content in seminal fluid. Vasectomy: A vasectomy (male sterilization) is a surgical procedure to cut or seal the tubes that carry a man's sperm to permanently prevent pregnancy. Abnormal Semen: Abnormal semen may cause due to testicular infection, testicular surgery, ejaculation disorders, mumps, radiotherapy, diseases like anemia, diabetes, and thyroid malfunctioning.
Male fertility treatment:
Use of vitamins E, C, folic acid, and B 12 improved oligospermia. Clomiphene citrate intake improves the production of gonadotropins and stimulates the secretion of testosterone. Dexa methasone is used to correct the presence of anti-sperm antibodies in the semen.Erectile dysfunction is corrected using sildenafil surgery for obstruction of vasa differentia and for correcting varicocele and non-descent of the testis. Avoidance of intake of alcohol.